
Posted by Vania on 4:05 PM
so, these days I got MANY TESTS, they're about 5 tests on this week, and I'm dying.

because of those tests and my laziness, I get a new 'beautiful' habit : no studying at home.

I keep studying on the test days at school and I guess that's a new bad habit of mine. bz!

and surprisingly, it works a lot!

I can do the test constantly well. I guess I'll continue my 'new' habit until bad things happen.

so, for the scholarship, ZERO HOPE!
today is almost the end of the September, but I get ZERO information about my passing. :((
I've never hoped too much about something, and when I came to hope to this scholarship, I failed. guess I learn something from this. :(

then, I would continue my life, my shit and stupid life. I hope I can start a new brand life in Singapore, but I failed. bz.

school is the only one reason why I keep saying 'F*CK MY LIFE!'.


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