Faith, Exclamation Points!!

Posted by Vania on 8:05 PM
I’m Christian, I have Jesus in my heart and soul, and I’M PROUD OF IT.
Why? Because I know I don’t choose the wrong Jesus.
I heard a news this morning that some people burnt 3 churches and a Christian school.
THAT ACTION IS IMMATURE. You’re like 3-year-old kids who are trying to find their toys!
Jesus (red: OUR Jesus) NEVER taught us to destroy any of you, guys. Your jesus did? Oh, then he’s not the real one. Sorry to tell, but you choose the wrong path.
You may be the majority in this country, but you’ll never be able to destroy us.
Has Jesus ever taught you about destroying other religions in the world, Christians? Yes, He has never!
Or, you are the ones who don't have brains.
I specifically blame an organization, not a religion.
Sometimes, I support George W. Bush for his invasion to Irak, but you know what? I know Jesus never taught us about we-have-to-destroy-others-to-keep-being-in-majority-group, huh?
Indonesia is such a big country with many different people in it.
Those symbols and whatsoever are just shits when in fact, we don’t do the real action to prove that we are actually ONE.
Indonesia wouldn’t be better if we DO NOT RESPECT each other.
Indonesia is a democratic country, I need a prove, then I feel free to speak.

Pasal 28, UUD 1945
“Kemerdekaan berserikat dan berkumpul, mengeluarkan pikiran dengan lisan dan tulisan, dsb. ditetapkan dengan undang-undang.”
Pasal 29 ayat (2), UUD 1945
“Negara menjamin kemerdekaan tiap-tiap penduduk untuk memeluk agamanya masing-masing dan untuk beribadat menurut agamanya dan kepercayaannya itu.”

These writings are shits, ya know. In fact, disobeying-the-rules is the main reason why Indonesia is still left far behind.
If they blamed me for this post, this constitution should be destroyed.

One last sentence,
Fuck your life, governments! TALK LESS, DO MORE!


Your lovely citizen.


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