These are not Shits.

Posted by Vania on 8:50 PM

I got 3 tests and a homework.

I might kill myself today, seriously.
we go home at 4, and we still need to study for the tests.

if I couldn't get the scholarship, I'm sure that I might kill myself.
I'm gonna hate this week, and other weeks at school.



Genius vs. Stupid

Posted by Vania on 5:12 PM
you know what? I just start to hate the 'too' ambitious people. seriously, they're sucks.

they would just make a group of the geniuses and let the stupids make their own groups. it just ain't fair, ya know.

and don't ever ask them about lessons, they will just say : "I don't know." though actually they do really understand it. discrimination takes place.

they just won't let us to be cleverer than them. oh, pleasee.

'characters and attitude are more important than SCORES.' -mother

seriously, scores are temporary things, someday, people won't care with the scores you've got, they'll just care about the way you behave. oh, please.

well, I know that some of the geniuses are very kind to me, teaching me till I understand what they meant.

but, MOST of them are not that kind.

'your knowledge will be useful if you share it to others.' -CB teacher

I do appreciate for the ones who have been teaching me when I don't understand the lessons.
David, Indra, Ferlyn, Eveline, Cindy, etc. sometimes I just wanna shout out loud how happy I am having you as my best friends. :)

'knowledge is no guarantee of good behavior. being wise is more important than being genius. the wise ones must be genius, but the geniuses won't always be the wise ones. please, geniuses, be good.'


What a Trip.

Posted by Vania on 7:06 PM
ha! I'm home.
I went home yesterday actually, 5 days at Bogor and Jakarta was so much fun, and I couldn't stop smiling for the whole time.

I met my cousins and went everywhere for the whole time.
and we got 2 dogs, which are 2 months old. a boy and a girl. THEY. ARE. CUTE.
we got to play with them for the whole noon.

we went to Botani Square too, and I ate J.Co. <3
the nicest holidays-in-school-time ever!

and yes, we did the tests.
they were difficult. hell ya. I'd prefer do the logarithm.

I skipped 4 days school, and I got 8 tests waiting for me. :((
fight! :D

I didn't hope too much for this time.
I hope that I could pass the test, so I could go back to Bogor. ha! skipping the school is fun, ya know.


A Wish.

Posted by Vania on 7:33 PM
so, Eveline passed the selection! I was sooooooo happy for her!
we'll go to Jakarta. :)

I'll go to Jakarta (then Bogor) on Friday, and Eveline on Saturday.

God, please, if you think that I'm ready, let me do this selection consistently well. I just want to go out from that creepy school and start a new brand beautiful life.

wish us lucks! :)


The Unexpected Things.

Posted by Vania on 5:42 AM
I got many surprising events in my life, and I thought that I was lucky to get them.

and last night, I got one.
so, Eveline and I joined a scholarship event on the internet, and it was just for fun.
we thought that we wouldn't pass the test, and I thought the one who's going to pass the test was Eveline, because her scores are totally better than mine.

so, last night, someone came to my house, delivering the mail.
and hell yeah! I was excited a lot, I couldn't stop smiling, and my Dad just called my aunts in Bogor, because the mail said that the selection test will be held in Jakarta, so I'll go to Jakarta and Bogor this Friday with my Dad. :)
then, I asked Eveline if she got one too, but she didn't, or maybe haven't got one.

I hope that she could pass it too, so we could go there together.

and finally, I could a week holiday from school because of this.
but I hate to say that I'm going to skip some tests, such as Math and Sociology.

well, next week is going to be a busy week, I hope I got remission from the school, but I surely won't get any.

and Dad, thanks for reminding me to thank God for all things happened in my life. :')

beside this, I've ever got the unexpected thing that happened in my life.
I went to Jakarta and joined the selection test of The International Mathematics and Science Olympiade.
and I was in the 59th rank from 61 students.
well, I thought it's just lucky. HAHA.

so, good luck for me! woooo! :D



Posted by Vania on 5:11 PM
I think I'm a light xenophobia.
it's a little bit hard for me to accept new people in my life, and I'm just afraid of getting new friends. oh, my..

so, on next Monday, my class will get a new student who comes from my primary school.
and, ha! I don't really like her and she hates me too. it sucks knowing that she's going to be IN my class, like, oh my God, school has been very frustrating, and she will come in. I'm going to kill myself, soon. ha!

I have many reasons why I hate her :
okay, first, she's childish. I know physically she's more beautiful and bigger than me, but haha! just be mature, girl. I don't say that I'm mature enough, okay?

second. oh, please. you hate my friend just because my friend is your boy's best friend? nice one.

third. well, she discriminates people. well, that's why you can't get a true friend. oh, well. I'm not wise enough to lecture ya! but, you keep thinking that Malays are bad. oh, please. we're all humans. why should you discriminate each other?

fourth. you love boys, don't ya? I meant, you love ALL boys. and yah. you're hypocrite. seriously, oh. my. God.

fifth. you hate me. well, I can't just hate you because you hate me, but based on all reasons I have, I might hate you back. I don't hate you directly, but I don't like the way you behave. :)

well, I know that I'm not that perfect, I know I might have more sins than you have, but I'll try to change myself, and I'll try to accept you for who you are, and I hope you can do the same. :)

so, let's be friends!